by Lila Lazarus
Stop it. It can’t possibly be the end of the year. How did the months fly by? Where did the time go? 2019?! That sounds like some futuristic date in an Orwell novel. Yes, we’ve all heard the older you get, the faster time flies. But this was warp speed.
I remember people saying that if you do the same thing day in and day out, your days will just blend together and move faster. But that’s not my situation. No two days are alike and yet they’ve vanished. Twelve months passed in an instant! I think it slipped by because I wasn’t being a very good witness. I didn’t observe as closely as I could have.
In yoga, we’re told to stay in the moment. Be present. You’ll be more aware, more focused and less apt to let time drift by unnoticed. I don’t do this on a regular basis, but I’m determined to savor every last moment of 2018. Here’s how:
Morning Moments
I’m going to pause when I wake up in the morning and find something to be grateful for: a warm bed, my adorable puppies, my heartbeat. Gratitude always keeps me in the moment.
Mindful Munching
I’ll be more mindful at breakfast, savoring every morsel that goes into my mouth. This thought actually reminds me of watching “I Love Lucy” as a child and laughing as Lucille Ball tried to chew everything at least 20 times. It seemed like forever. But she was on to something. Being mindful has been proven over and over to lower stress, improve brain function and help combat anxiety and depression.
Magic Memories
The worst thing about life moving so fast is the parts we’re missing: the sunrise, the sunset, the deeper conversations, the flowers in the spring, the colors in the fall, holding hands, noticing the clouds, dancing in the living room. Just sprinkle in some mindfulness throughout the day or we’ll miss it all.
Mindful Messages
Make it a point to send out at least three thank-yous to three people who made a difference in your day. Perhaps it’s something that’s done for you every day but you’re finally stopping to notice and acknowledge it. It could be a co-worker, a spouse, a neighbor. Send out an email to a coworker thanking her for this year’s hard work, put a post-it note on the mailbox saying thank you to your mailman and send an actual letter — snail mail— to your spouse.
From now until New Year’s Eve, I’m going to notice every gosh-darn moment. I’m going to appreciate the people, the adventures, and the events in front of my eyes. At the end of the day, I’m going to list people and places in my journal— along with the highlights of the day. There are only a few days of the year left, but maybe it will help me slow down and notice more in the coming year.
Let me know what works for you. Happy New Year.

In order to stay healthy, you need to stay active and engaged. In addition to exercise, good nutrition and sleep, you also need a good dose of adventure. So each month I’ll share ways to boost the excitement and passion in your life with adventurous ways to create more wellness in your body, mind and your spirit.